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Table of Contents
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Purpose and Need
Alternatives Including Applicant's Preferred Alternative
Affected Environment
3.1 Introduction to Affected Environment
3.2 Land Ownership, Management, and Use
3.3 Needs and Welfare of the People - Socioeconomics
3.4 Environmental Justice
3.5 Recreation
3.6 Commercial and Recreational Fisheries
3.7 Cultural Resources
3.8 Historic Properties
3.9 Subsistence
3.10 Health and Safety
3.11 Aesthetics Resources
3.12 Transportation and Navigation
3.13 Geology
3.14 Soils
3.15 Geohazards and Seismic Conditions
3.16 Surface Water Hydrology
3.17 Groundwater Hydrology
3.18 Water and Sediment Quality
3.19 Noise
3.20 Air Quality
3.21 Food and Fiber Production
3.22 Wetlands and Other Waters/Aquatic Sites
3.23 Wildlife Values
3.24 Fish Values
3.25 Threatened and Endangered Species
3.26 Vegetation
Environmental Consequences
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Land Ownership, Management, and Use
4.3 Needs and Welfare of the People - Socioeconomics
4.4 Environmental Justice
4.5 Recreation
4.6 Commercial and Recreational Fisheries
4.7 Cultural Resources
4.8. Historic Properties
4.9. Subsistence
4.10 Health and Safety
4.11 Aesthetics
4.12 Transportation and Navigation
4.13 Geology
4.14 Soils
4.15 Geohazards and Seismic Conditions
4.16 Surface Water Hydrology
4.17 Groundwater Hydrology
4.18 Water and Sediment Quality
4.19 Noise
4.20 Air Quality
4.21 Food and Fiber Production
4.22 Wetlands and Other Waters/Aquatic Sites
4.23 Wildlife Values
4.24 Fish Values
4.25 Threatened and Endangered Species
4.26 Vegetation
4.27 Spill Risk
Chapter 5 Mitigation
Chapter 6 Consultation and Coordination
Chapter 7 Cooperating Agencies and Preparers
Chapter 8 List of Agencies, Organizations, and Persons to Whom Copies of the Statement Have Been Sent
Scoping Report (August 31, 2018)
Appendix B Alternatives Development Process
Appendix C Project Mailing List
Appendix D Comment Analysis Report
Appendix E Laws, Permits, Approvals, and Consultations Required
Appendix F (Not Used) (Placeholder page only)
ESA Biological Assessment - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (May 2020)
ESA Biological Assessment - National Marine Fisheries Service (May 2020)
Appendix I
Essential Fish Habitat Assessment - Pebble Project (June 2020)
Appendix J
Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Letters
Appendix K Front matter to Section K 3.7
Technical Appendices
K.2 Alternatives
K.3 Affected Environment
K.3.1 Introduction to Affected Environment
K.3.6 Commercial and Recreational Fisheries
K.3.7 Cultural Resources
K.3.9 Subsistence
K.3.10 Health and Safety
K.3.12 Transportation and Navigation
K.3.13 Geology
K.3.14 Soils
K.3.15 Geohazards and Seismic Conditions
K.3.16 Surface Water Hydrology
K.3.17 Groundwater Hydrology
K.3.18 Water and Sediment Quality
K.3.26 Vegetation
K.4.10 Environmental Consequences: Health and Safety
K.4.11 Environmental Consequences: Aesthetics
K.4.13 Environmental Consequences: Geology
K.4.15 Environmental Consequences: Geohazards and Seismic Conditions
K.4.16 Environmental Consequences: Surface Water Hydrology
K.4.17 Environmental Consequences: Groundwater Hydrology
K.4.18 Environmental Consequences: Water and Sediment Quality
K.4.20 Environmental Consequences: Air Quality
K.4.22 Wetlands and Other Waters/Special Aquatic Sites
4.24 Fish Values
4.25 Threatened and Endangered Species
4.27 Spill Risk
Appendix L
Draft Programmatic Agreement
Appendix M
Appendix N
Pebble Project Description, POA-2017-271 (Updated June 2020)