The Pebble Partnership has launched a series of survival seminars for staff, vendors and contractors at the proposed Pebble deposit site. Conducted by Learn to Return, the Arctic Indoctrination classes focus on skills and methods for addressing critical situations in the wilderness.
Divided into two classroom sessions, material includes accident scenario assessments, risk assessment, managing emergencies and strategies for survival. Additional attention is devoted specifically to understanding hypothermia, frostbite, exposure limits, wound care and food management. The second segment features scenarios for dealing with field first aid, trauma and the importance of selecting and wearing proper clothing for the given environment.
The final segment takes place out-of-doors and includes hands-on applications for building basic Arctic shelters, emergency signaling, improvising clothing, various methods for starting fires and the sequence of events for preparing to survive an accident or emergency in harsh surroundings.
“It was an extremely valuable day featuring critical survival techniques that participants will be able to use both personally and professionally, with special consideration for Alaska’s unique weather and changing elements,” said Steve Carter, Environmental Site Coordinator for the Pebble Partnership.
Fourteen participants graduated from the program, selected specifically due to the nature of work they are doing in the field and at remote locations near the Pebble prospect.
“Because of the remote nature of the Pebble prospect, it is essential that individuals working in the area understand the conditions and have an appropriate level of training to deal with a wide variety of perilous situations,” said John Shively, CEO of the Pebble Partnership. “Preparing our workforce with safety training and education is crucial.”
Learn to Return is an Anchorage-based company that provides training in a variety of areas ranging from firearms, mountaineering and arctic survival. Two Arctic Indoctrination training programs have been conducted for the Pebble Partnership in 2010.
The Pebble Project is located in Southwest Alaska on state land designated for mineral exploration and development. It is situated approximately 1,000 feet above sea-level and 65 miles from tidewater on Cook Inlet. The Pebble Partnership was established in July 2007 as a 50:50 partnership between Anglo American plc and Northern Dynasty Minerals.