Colleges & Universities

Programs, degrees and certifications relevant to Pebble are available at various institutions around the state. Please check the course catalog of each school to determine what programs are specifically available at each.


Far North

Chukchi Campus (UAF)
(907) 442-3400

Ilisagvik College
(907) 852-3333

Northwest Campus (UAF)
(907) 443-2201


Ketchikan Campus (UAS)
(907) 586-2874

Sitka Campus (UAS)
(907) 747-7700

University of Alaska Southeast (Juneau)
(907) 796-6000

Laborers’ Local 942
(907) 586-2860

Marine Exchange of Alaska Maritime
(907) 463-2607


Bristol Bay Campus (UAF)
(907) 842-5109

Kodiak College (UAA)
(907) 486-4161

Kuskokwim Campus (UAF)
(907) 543-4500